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Of all the common lameness problems that effect horses and ponies, laminitis and founder are most feared by horse owners. A breakthrough in Australian technology means that you can now protect your horse against this crippling disease.

FOUNDERGUARD is a patented feed supplement which protects horses from carbohydrate induced laminitis (founder). Researched and developed in Australia, Founderguard is considered by equine nutritionists as a major breakthrough in horse feeding, as it allows high energy diets to be fed safely.

Why use Founderguard?

Clinically proven preventative supplement for feed induced laminitis and founder.

Beneficial for

Horses on high grain diets e.g. gallopers, pacers, eventers and show hacks
Horses grazing lush pastures particularly during spring and autumn when sugar levels in pasture are high
Young horses being prepared for sales e.g. high grain/low exercise animals
Horses that have suffered laminitis or founder in the past
Horses undergoing a change in diet
Horses with seedy toe, white line separation or poor-quality hooves

Analysis: Each 25g dose contains: - Virginiamycin 250mg
(Bound in a fibrous pellet for delivery to the site of action in the large intestine)